The summery Koppana Camp Centre is located on the coast of the Gulf of Bothnia in the middle of a gorgeous landscape approximately 25 kilometers from the Oulu city centre. The Camp Centre includes great facilities and naturally beautiful surroundings for children’s and youth camps.
On top of the Oulu Youth Services, the Koppana Camp Centre can be rented primarily by Oulu’s youth organizations and groups. Oulu’s daycare centres, schools and other organizations can rent the facility as well.
There is space for 30 overnight guests in the Camp Centre. There are two accommodation spaces in the Centre. One fits 20 guests and the other fits 10. There is also a room next to the kitchen for four guests. Tent accommodation is also possible in the yard area.
The Koppana Camp Centre also includes indoor and outdoor kitchens, a set of dishes for approximately 50 people, a beach sauna, a ballgame field and a fire pit by the beach.
Youth Services uses the Timmi 4.0 Booking Service in their bookings. You can see the booking situation of the Koppana Camp Centre without registration.
See the booking situation of Koppana on Timmi.
Koppana Camp Centre’s summer bookings (May 1 to September 30) must be made annually before January 31. You will receive the decision during February.
Free single bookings can be inquired and applied for during the entire operational period, even after the application period.
Koppana Camp Centre bookings can be made with an application form. We need detailed information about the applicant and a billing address.
Send the filled in application form primarily to the e-mail address:
nuoriso.tilavaraukset@ouka.fi or to the postal address:
Sivistys- ja kulttuuripalvelut/Nuorispalvelut, Tilavuorohakemus, PL 17, 90015 Oulun kaupunki.
Associations registered to Oulu: 137 € per day
Other groups: 238 € per day
Further details about the Camp Centre from Anu Puolanne,
tel. 044 703 8290, anu.puolanne@ouka.fi