Talvikangas Youth Centre

Welcome to the Talvikangas Youth Centre!

Talvikangas Youth Center is a meeting place for the young people of the region. At the Youth Centre, you can spend time, participate in hobby activities and meet friends.

At the Youth Centre, you can use the exercise hall, play board and console games, do crafts, play pool or just spend some time. You can organize your own activities as well, such as clubs.

The instructors working at the Youth Centre are trained professionals and will support children, young people and parents and help children and young people in matters of their lives. We cooperate actively with the region’s schools and parish.

Ideas and wishes are welcome, so please tell us! Message us by phone, Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat.

  • Lupauksemme Nuorisotalon toiminnalla ja palveluilla edistetään ihmisten yhdenvertaisuutta ja tasa-arvoa. Nuorisotalon tilat ja tapahtumat ovat päihteettömiä. Emme hyväksy häirintää, syrjintää tai muuta epäasiallista kohtelua. Epäasialliseen käytökseen puututaan. Anna tilaa Kunnioita muiden henkilökohtaista tilaa ja koskemattomuutta. Älä koske muita lupaa kysymättä. Nuorisotalo on yhteinen tilamme, pidetään se kaikille turvallisena ja viihtyisänä. Kunnioita Kunnioita ihmisten moninaisuutta ja itsemääräämisoikeutta. Kaikki ovat tervetulleita nuorisotilaan, ja jokaisella tulee olla rauha käyttää nuorisotilaa. Kuuntele Kuuntele muiden ajatuksia ja mielipiteitä ja anna kaikille tilaa keskustelussa. Älä tee muiden ihmisten ulkonäköön tai toimintaan liittyviä oletuksia. Älä puhu muista halventavasti.

    Our promise 
    The activities and services of the Youth Centre promote equality and non-discrimination of people. The facilities and events of the Youth Centre are intoxicant-free. We do not accept harassment, discrimination or any other inappropriate treatment. Inappropriate treatment will be intervened.

    Give space 
    Respect the personal space and sanctity of others. Do not touch other people without asking for permission. The Youth Center is a shared space and we will keep it safe and pleasant for everyone.

    Respect the diversity and autonomy of others. Everyone is welcome at the Youth Centre and everyone must have the right to use the Youth Centre.

    Listen to the ideas and opinions of others and give everyone space in discussions. Do not make assumptions based on the appearance or actions of others. Do not speak about others in a derogatory way.

    If a situation feels uncomfortable, users are encouraged to bring it up with, for example, the Youth Centre staff. You are free to give feedback about our events after the fact and anonymously.

  • Rules and regulations at the Youth Centres 

    By following the rules of the Youth Centres, we create the prerequisites for a positive atmosphere. The rules strive to ensure that the Youth Centres are a safe and comfortable working environment for everyone. The Youth Centre rules will be read through together with the employees, children and young people every fall.

    Being at the Youth Centre 
    Activities and behavior at the Youth Centres must be appropriate. You must not hurt or discriminate against anyone. Good manners are important at the Youth Centres. Cursing, racist comments, hurtful name-calling and bullying are prohibited.

    Age ratings 
    The Youth Centres have separate opening times for younger and older users.

    Tobacco and tobacco products 
    Smoking, using snuff and tobacco products is prohibited in the Youth Centre events, facilities and yards.

    The use and possession of alcohol and other intoxicating substances at Youth Centre events, facilities and in their immediate surroundings are prohibited.

    Energy drinks 
    Energy drinks are prohibited at the Youth Centres for health reasons.

  • The following facilities can be booked: 

    Lobby / living room 60,5 m²
    Kitchen 15 m²
    Mirror hall 25 m²
    Exercise hall 150 m²

    Booking distribution principles and terms of use: 

    Activities of the Youth Services
    Groups from Oulu under 29 years old
    Organizations and associations registered to Oulu
    Other operators

    We do not rent facilities for private use, such as birthday celebrations
    Seasonal bookings are only rented with child and youth organizations and contracted cooperation partners.