In the participation groups for children and young people, you can make your voice heard on matters concerning your own neighborhood. Participation groups operate in different parts of Oulu, where you can make your voice heard. You do not need to know anything about influencing beforehand to join a participation group. In the group, you will collectively learn about different ways of influencing.
Participation group = influencer group.
Is your neighborhood lacking streetlights, or are the football goals on the sports field as old as time? Would it be nice to have an event in your own residential area, or would you like to tell other young people how to influence different things? All this and more can be done in participation groups!
Participation groups have representatives from local schools and youth centres. The practical operation and guidance of the groups are managed by a youth worker from the local youth centre, known as the “participation instructor”.
There are 16 District Based Youth Participation Groups around Oulu, in addition to the city-wide Oulu Youth Council ONE.
Check out the participation groups’ own pages to see what it means to be involved in their activities. You can find the participation groups’ pages at the bottom of this page. If you want to join the activities, contact the participation group’s instructor. Contact details can be found on each group’s own page and in the list below.
Participation Group (area in parentheses) Instructors and Contact Information, Email Addresses: firstname.lastname@ouka.fi