One of the goals of the city of Oulu Youth Services is to promote the participation of children and young people. Agency does not come about automatically, and participation must be taught and educated deliberately. This is why the participation of young people is a goal in all Youth Service activities.
The participation of young people is made possible in different ways. Listening to the goals and feedback of young people, supporting the agency of young people, and ensuring independent activities are central modes of operation in promoting participation. Different directed feedback surveys, feedback collection, idea collection, websites, social media, oral feedback, conversations and other manners of feedback are ways of influencing.
All children and young people must have the possibility to influence matters that affect them and others. Youth Services builds participation structures for children and young people. The staff is tasked to find and offer young people the opportunities and spaces to influence as well as teach and show them different ways of influencing. The city of Oulu has representative participation groups where children, youth, and young adults represent young people living in the area. Read more about participation groups and the Youth Council here.
We include children and young people in ideation, design, implementation and evaluation. We strive to ensure that children and young people are heard and their influencing opportunities are supported.