Youth elections

Oulu youth elections in autumn 2024

The City of Oulu has a statutory Youth Council called Oulun nuorisovaltuusto ONE.  The members are 14-19-year-old residents of Oulu or young people studying in Oulu.  The members are elected in youth elections every two years.

The task of the youth council is to promote the position of young people in the municipality and to bring the voice of young people into decision-making. In the Youth Council, young people can learn, try out and gain experience of influencing.

The next time you can apply for the youth council is in September 2024 by standing for  youth election. The youth elections will be held in November.

Apply to join the youth council in September

If a young person wants to join the Youth Council, they stand as a candidate in the youth elections.

You can stand as a candidate

  • if you were born between 2005 and 2010 (14-19-year-olds) and
  • live or study in the Oulu area (Haukipudas, Kiiminki, Oulu, Oulunsalo, Yli-Ii or Ylikiiminki)
    • Six seats are distributed as so-called regional quota seats for candidates living in Oulu.
    • 24 actual members and 6 deputy members are elected for the Youth Council.

You can apply for candidacy on 1 – 30 September 2024 (nomination period). You can stand as a candidate by filling in the electronic application form on the youth elections website. The application is in Finnish and you can find it in the website (website is in Finnish).  The youth elections website publishes the applicants’ name, year of birth, photo (optional) and the topics that the young person themselves have wanted to highlight in the application form.

Apply if you want to influence things that are important to you or young people in general. You don’t need to have previous experience in influencing, you will be guided in the activities and the youth council will have a counselor to support you.

Voting in the Oulu Youth Elections 4 – 15 November

The youth elections, i.e. the voting period, is 4-15 November 2024.  Residents of Oulu between the ages of 13 and 19 and young people studying in Oulu are eligible to vote. In the 2022 youth elections, those born between 2005 and 2011 have the right to vote.

Voting takes place electronically. Educational institutions organise elections for their students according to their individual schedules within the voting period.

Each person entitled to vote has one vote and it must always be used personally. ​No one can vote on behalf of another, and you may not hand over your voting code to someone else.​​ Voting is a right, but not an obligation. Each person entitled to vote decides for himself whether he will vote in the elections or not.​

If the young person is not a student, voting takes place in the Byström Ohjaamo Youth Information and Counselling Service (address Hallituskatu 5 A).

  • Activities of the Youth Council

    The youth council operating in Oulu brings together Oulu residents aged 14-19 or young people studying in Oulu. The meetings of the youth council are usually held once a month and a meeting fee is paid for them. The familiar name of Oulu’s youth council is ONE.

    A boot camp or orientation days are held for the new youth council at the beginning of the activity, where the activities of the youth council are explained and the other members of the youth council get to know each other.

    The task of the youth council is to promote the issues of young people and to make the voice of young people heard in the city’s decision-making. You can apply to join the youth council through youth elections every two years. 24 regular members and 6 alternate members are elected to the youth council.

    The youth council has the right to speak and attend board meetings. From ONE, representatives are selected for those who want to participate in the board meetings. The chairman of the youth council also has the right to speak and attend the Oulu city council. ONE also has a working committee, event and communication working group. The youth council has many different tasks for young people. There is sure to be someone among them that interests you too!

    The activities of the Youth Council ONE are part of the participation activities of the city of Oulu. A regional participation group for children and young people operates in all of Oulu’s larger areas, which primarily influences the affairs of its own area. ONE is the city’s official youth council, which strengthens the voice of young people in the city’s activities alongside regional participation groups.

  • Duties of the Youth Council

    Oulu youth council ONE’s tasks:

    • To promote and develop the position of youth (under 29 years old) in the municipality without party political or religious affiliations.
    • Acts as the voice of the youth in the boards and in other public contexts and brings the young people’s perspective to the municipality’s decisions.
    • Represents young people in the municipality’s decision-making and brings young people’s ideas to the municipal institutions.
    • Influences Oulu’s youth policy.
    • Maintains contact with the municipality’s youth and organizations working with youth.
    • Prepares presentations and initiatives for the municipality’s institutions and other parties and monitors their processing and the municipality’s decision-making.
    • Promotes young people’s interest in social issues.
    • Create stimulating activities for young people and opportunities to influence matters that concern them.
    • Keeps contact with other youth councils in Finland.
    • Gives a statement on the allocation of NERO operating money to youth projects.
    • Act as mentors for regional participation groups.

Youth elections in previous years

  • The result of the Youth Election 2022

    7168 votes were cast in Oulu’s youth elections. The voting percentage was 39.5%.

    The composition of the youth council has been confirmed by the city council’s decision after those elected in the youth elections have officially accepted the youth council position.

Contact information

Oulu Youth Council ONE

Noora Mäkinen


Anu Puolanne
